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The Fed 's action increases the volume of publicly registered securities that banks ' securities affiliates will be able to underwrite . 3 annotators gold
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1 The 2 (NP* (OP-DEF <>))
2 Fed 4 (NP* (NPIP (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N-PROP <>))))))
3 's 2 (NP* (POS <>))
4 action 5 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))
5 increases 0 (SENTENCE (CLAUSE (CORE (NP ) (NUC (V <>)) (NP ))))
6 the 7 (CORE_N* (OP-DEF <>))
7 volume 5 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>)) (PP )))
8 of 7 (PP (P <>) (NP ))
9 publicly 10 (CORE_A* (ADVP-PERI (CORE_ADV (NUC_ADV (ADV <>)))))
10 registered 11 (CORE_N* (AP (CORE_A (NUC_A (V-PART <>)))))
11 securities 8 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))
12 that 19 (NP-REL (PRO-REL <>))
13 banks 16 (NP* (NPIP (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))))
14 ' 13 (NP* (POS <>))
15 securities 16 (NUC_N* (N <>))
16 affiliates 19 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))
17 will 19 (NUC* (OP-TNS <>))
18 be 19 (NUC* (AUX <>))
19 able 11 (CLAUSE-PERI (CORE (CORE (NP ) (NUC (AP (CORE_A (NUC_A (A <>)))))) (CORE )))
20 to 21 (CORE* (CLM <>))
21 underwrite 19 (NUC_N* (CLAUSE-PERI (PrCS (NP-REL )) (CORE#WRAP# (NUC (V <>)))))
22 . 0 (SENTENCE (. <>))