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However , the phenomenon is not specifically Jewish . 2 annotators gold
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token arc supertag
1 However 0 (SENTENCE (PrDP (ADVP (CORE_ADV (NUC_ADV (ADV <>))))))
2 , 8 (CORE* (, <>))
3 the 4 (NP* (OP-DEF <>))
4 phenomenon 8 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))
5 is 8 (NUC* (AUX-TNS <>))
6 not 8 (NUC* (OP-NEG <>))
7 specifically 8 (CORE_A* (ADVP-PERI (CORE_ADV (NUC_ADV (ADV <>)))))
8 Jewish 0 (SENTENCE (CLAUSE (CORE (NP ) (NUC (AP (CORE_A (NUC_A (A <>))))))))
9 . 8 (CORE* (. <>))