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She expects both revenue and profit to gain this year . 2 annotators gold
				[...wait for it...]
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				[...wait for it...]
token arc supertag
1 She 2 (NP (PRO <>))
2 expects 0 (SENTENCE (CLAUSE (CORE (NP ) (NUC (V <>)) (NP )) (CORE )))
3 both 6 (NP* (OP-DEF <>))
4 revenue 6 (NUC_N* (N <>))
5 and 6 (NUC_N* (CLM <>))
6 profit 2 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))
7 to 8 (CORE* (CLM <>))
8 gain 2 (CORE (NUC (V <>)))
9 this 10 (NP-PERI* (OP-DEF <>))
10 year 8 (CORE* (NP-PERI (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>)))))
11 . 0 (SENTENCE (. <>))