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Mitchell will get a half-interest in the oil . 2 annotators gold
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				[...wait for it...]
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				[...wait for it...]
				[...wait for it...]
token arc supertag
1 Mitchell 3 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N-PROP <>))))
2 will 3 (CORE* (OP-TNS <>))
3 get 0 (SENTENCE (CLAUSE (CORE (NP ) (NUC (V <>)) (NP ))))
4 a 5 (NP* (OP-DEF <>))
5 half-interest 3 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>)) (PP )))
6 in 5 (PP (P <>) (NP ))
7 the 8 (NP* (OP-DEF <>))
8 oil 6 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))
9 . 3 (CORE* (. <>))