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Norman Ricken , 52 years old and former president and chief operating officer of Toys `` R '' Us Inc. , and Frederick Deane Jr. , 63 , chairman of Signet Banking Corp. , were elected directors of this consumer electronics and appliances retailing chain . 1 annotator
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token arc supertag
1 Norman 2 (NUC_N* (N-PROP <>))
2 Ricken 36 (NP (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N-PROP <>)))))
3 , 6 (AP-PERI* (, <>))
4 52 5 (CORE_N* (QP (CORE_Q (NUC_Q (QNT <>)))))
5 years 6 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))
6 old 2 (CORE_N* (AP-PERI (CORE_A (NP ) (NUC_A (A <>)))))
7 and 13 (NP-PERI* (CLM <>))
8 former 13 (CORE_N* (AP-PERI (CORE_A (NUC_A (A <>)))))
9 president 13 (NUC_N (N <>))
10 and 13 (NUC_N* (CLM <>))
11 chief 13 (NUC_N* (N <>))
12 operating 13 (NUC_N* (V-GER <>))
13 officer 2 (CORE_N* (NP-PERI (CORE_N (NUC_N (NUC_N ) (NUC_N (N <>))) (PP ))))
14 of 13 (PP (CORE_P (NUC_P (P <>)) (NP )))
15 Toys 20 (NUC_N* (N-PROP <>))
16 `` 20 (NUC_N* (`` <>))
17 R 20 (NUC_N* (N-PROP <>))
18 '' 20 (NUC_N* ('' <>))
19 Us 20 (NUC_N* (N-PROP <>))
20 Inc. 14 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N-PROP <>))))
21 , 2 (CORE_N* (, <>))
22 and 25 (NP* (CLM <>))
23 Frederick 25 (NUC_N* (N-PROP <>))
24 Deane 25 (NUC_N* (N-PROP <>))
25 Jr. 2 (NP* (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N-PROP <>)))))
26 , 27 (AP-PERI* (, <>))
27 63 25 (CORE_N* (AP-PERI (CORE_A (NUC_Q (QNT <>)))))
28 , 27 (AP-PERI* (, <>))
29 chairman 25 (CORE_N* (NP-PERI (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>)) (PP ))))
30 of 29 (PP (CORE_P (NUC_P (P <>)) (NP )))
31 Signet 33 (NUC_N* (N-PROP <>))
32 Banking 33 (NUC_N* (N-PROP <>))
33 Corp. 30 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N-PROP <>))))
34 , 2 (NP* (, <>))
35 were 36 (NUC* (AUX-TNS <>))
36 elected 0 (SENTENCE (CLAUSE (CORE (NP ) (NUC (V <>)) (NP ))))
37 directors 36 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>)) (PP )))
38 of 37 (PP (CORE_P (NUC_P (P <>)) (NP )))
39 this 45 (NP* (OP-DEF <>))
40 consumer 45 (NUC_N* (N <>))
41 electronics 45 (NUC_N* (N <>))
42 and 45 (NUC_N* (CLM <>))
43 appliances 45 (NUC_N* (N <>))
44 retailing 45 (NUC_N* (N <>))
45 chain 38 (NP (CORE_N (NUC_N (N <>))))
46 . 0 (SENTENCE (. <>))